Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Sun, 7 Mar 2004 03:25:13 GMT
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In, Michael Lachmann wrote:
> "Don Heyse" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> <SNIP>
> > 6. The user decides he wants to add the MegaBlok parts. He copies the
> > <LDRAWDIR>ldraw.ini file to his HOME directory and adds a path for
> > <HOME>/clones where he has stored the clone parts. Maybe he even adds
> > the tags <PARTS> and <CLONES> to identify them better for some future
> > version of LPUB.
> > 7. He also adds the knex parts and labels the directory with the extra tags
> > <PARTS>, <KNEX>, and <SKIP> because he wants to search for knex parts
> > before things in the <MODELDIR>, but only when he's enabled KNEX. Most
> > of the time he wants to ignore them.
> > 8. Finally he adds the boxer parts and labels that directory <PARTS>, <BOXES>,
> > and <SKIP> for similar reasons. He can't put them in %LDRAWDIR%\PARTS\B
> > because that's set to read only by the admin. Hopefully a future version
> > of the boxer program will be able to find them in the new location. Or
> > maybe a future version of Windows will allow a user to create real soft
> > links instead of those useless shortcut links...
> >
> > I think this all works ok with the search strategy I listed earlier.
> >
> > Don
> Ahhh I didn't see that in the first place, good that you pointed me to,
> thanks.
> I generally do not recommend to bring in third party definitions into the
> standard definition. So in my opinion there is no need to take care on Knex,
> MegaBloks or what ever in our definition of keywords - and just a second -
> this sounds like the user will define tags - no that shouldn't happen.
> We shouldn't drop the ball - but we are going to define a way of specifying
> how a ldraw-lib compatible software should go through the directories when
> it is searching for a part, nothing else. Additionally I thought SHOW/HIDE
> might be nice in order to allow a user to define what he will get in a part
> library display.
> If a user is trying to use any of our programms to make none lego models, he
> will be an expirienced user anyway - and I guess be able to use different
> ini files.
> Please don't add any none LDraw specific keywords or definition - and this
> should be a programming language either :-)
Oh I don't know. I'm still hoping some of these ideas will eventually
start to grow on you. Hopefully Lars will write some really nice code
that finds the parts search list and somehow associates a list of tags
with each directory in the list. If he makes SHOW or HIDE the first tag
then you should be able to ignore everything else until someday when you
decide it might be really cool to associate some other attributes with
the directories.
I'm also kinda hoping that Lars' code library will allow programs, and
his GUI will allow advanced users to add whatever tags they want, in
addition to the HIDE or SHOW tags. This will allow us to create new
features for our programs where certain parts directories are known to
have special uses, like the boxer parts they're talking about right now
in the Datsville animation thread.
Anyhow, I will now attempt to hypnotize you. Repeat after me. <HIDE>,
<SHOW>, or <SKIP>. <HIDE>, <SHOW>, or <SKIP>. <HIDE>, <SHOW>, or <SKIP>.
You're getting veeerrry sleeeepy...
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
| "Don Heyse" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag <SNIP> (...) "Snip", you got me two days sleeping ;-) I do not have anything against additional keyword, but I realy do not get what's behind them (...) (21 years ago, 8-Mar-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
| "Don Heyse" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag <SNIP> (...) tags (...) Most (...) <BOXES>, (...) %LDRAWDIR%\PARTS\B (...) version (...) Or (...) soft (...) Ahhh I didn't see that in the first (...) (21 years ago, 6-Mar-04, to
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