Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 21:24:48 GMT
4295 times
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In, Don Heyse wrote:
> I like the single LdrawSearch variable because it's easier for me to
> pull out of the ldraw.ini file, but I'm willing to go with your format
> for the ldraw.ini file if you allow absolute paths. Maybe something
> like this?
> HIDE "C:\LDrawXtra\MyPrims\In Work"
> SHOW "C:\LDrawXtra\MyParts\In Work"
> HIDE <P>
> SHOW C:\LDrawXtra\MyParts\Done
> What's the equivalent of the home directory for a Windows user?
> Possibly "C:\Documents and Settings\username\ldraw.ini"? How do you
> find that. I checked the environment on Win2K and it looks like I
> can use %USERPROFILE%\ldraw.ini but I'm not sure about other versions
> of Windows.
Something similar (but probably not identical to) the above would have my vote
(I'll explain below). I would clarify that if ldraw.ini can't be found in the
user's home directory (aka the user profile directory), then the Windows
directory should be checked. The %USERPROFILE% environment variable tells you
where the directory is, and if that variable doesn't exist, then skip that step
and fall back to the Windows directory. If the environment variable doesn't
exist in Windows 95, it doesn't really matter, because you know the Windows
directory will be writable.
I don't think the above can be used as-is, because I'm not sure it's kosher to
have lines like that in an ini file. Normally all the lines in an ini file have
an equals sign in them somewhere. For sections being parsed as sections,
instead of individual items, is it ok to forego the equals sign? As long as the
data is in an ini file, I want it to be a valid ini file.
--Travis Cobbs
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths
| (...) Yes, as Lars said earlier: (...) [LDraw] BaseDirectory=C:\LDraw LgeoDirectory=C:\L2P LdrawSearch="<HIDE>C...MyPrims\In Work| C:\LDrawXtra\MyParts\In Work| <MODELDIR>|<HIDE><LD...BFC\PARTS| <HIDE><P>|<PARTS>|<M...arts\Done" I like the single (...) (21 years ago, 17-Feb-04, to
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