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Re: LDAO suggestions
Thu, 1 Apr 1999 20:13:18 GMT
835 times
On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 18:08:10 GMT, Sproaticus <> wrote:


I have a couple of thoughts for LDAO:

1)  How about an extension to the color chart which allows the user to pick
two arbitrary colors and dither them?  It could have a dialog box with two
16-color choosers in it, and that also displays the dithered result along
with an LDraw-friendly number.

I really want to do *something* with the color chart.  This is definitely an idea.

Having to type color numbers is unfriendly, especially in the Modeller.  Maybe instead of (or in
addition to) the type-in box, there could be the two drop-downs, the second of which would have
(opaque) and (transparent) as special settings, along with the colors.

2)  Really minor and nit-picking:  The VEC doesn't respond to keystrokes,
such as the arrow keys and page ip / page down, etc.  Could you allow the
arrow keys to jump from piece to piece, and the page up / page down keys
scroll the view?

I'll work on this.  Right now, there's no real concept of part-selection (you just wave the mouse at
the part you are interested, you don't click it).  So the arrow keys could easily scroll the viewing
area, but it would be more difficult to use them to jump from part-to-part.

Also, the VEC doesn't handle the Wheel Mouse properly.

Isn't that annoying?  It's not really practical for me to do anything about this right now--VB
doesn't intercept the mouse wheel messages, and I don't want to mess with hooking the message

Probably if I made a VB control to do the scrolling, or found a custom control which did this, or
figured out an API-based way of making it happen, I could deal with the mouse wheel.

All Wheel events are sent to the left-hand scrollbar.

I don't even get that.

(1)  I'm not sure if
VB5 will let you route the WM_MOUSEWHEEL event properly since it's a
relatively new event type.

Not automatically (neither will VB6).

3)  Last, and probably the most nit-pickingest of them all:  Could you make
it so that selecting a color or part will put its number into Window's
clipboard?  This wouldn't help LEdit very much, but would be great for other
editors, such as the LDAO modeler.

This is also been suggested, at least for parts.  For now, you can select&copy part numbers from the
bottom of the VEC window.

I'd really like to implement dragging parts (and colors) around from the VEC to the Modeller, maybe
with an intermediate stop on a palette window.  The palette would be nice because you could collect
a bunch of parts (from different categories), then use and reuse them in a model.  At least, I
*think* it would be nice.


- jsproat

1.  I'm using a Logitech, but I believe it sends the same events.

Jeremy H. Sproat <>
"The world will not perish for want of wonders but for want of wonder"
-- British scientist J. B. S. Haldane (1892-1964)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDAO suggestions
(...) I was thinking more along the lines of using two areas each with all sixteen boxes, each in a different color. More visual. :-, Is there any way VB5 can put colored boxes into a drop-down list? Cheers, - jsproat (26 years ago, 1-Apr-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  LDAO suggestions
Steve, I have a couple of thoughts for LDAO: 1) How about an extension to the color chart which allows the user to pick two arbitrary colors and dither them? It could have a dialog box with two 16-color choosers in it, and that also displays the (...) (26 years ago, 1-Apr-99, to

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