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 CAD / Development / 6495
  Part Naming (was: Re: castle minifig torsos?)
(...) You might want to check the parts list on the Parts Tracker. Especially around the "Minifig" area. :) Steve (23 years ago, 22-Oct-01, to
  Re: Part Naming (was: Re: castle minifig torsos?)
(...) Steve That's exactly the sort of thing I was talking about. Sorry, I hadn't checked out the parts list on the Parts Tracker. I will let you know if I have any other suggestions Thanks Bob (23 years ago, 23-Oct-01, to
  Re: Part Naming (was: Re: castle minifig torsos?)
(...) S'alright. (...) Great! There will probably be a fair amount of work cleaning up names in the parts library, once we get through most of the backlogged new parts. The first two things (I think) will be sorting out the Castle and Space (...) (23 years ago, 23-Oct-01, to

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