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Re: Unusual View matrices in LDRAW.INI
Thu, 5 Oct 2000 23:56:42 GMT
1158 times
Don Heyse <> wrote:

I knew there was a way to decompose the matrices!  But I couldn't find it.
Where is that written down?

It's from Graphics Gems II, the code for which is available online (linked
from ).

I also thought there was a way to remove the
cumulative round off errors in a transformation matrix after many matrix
multiplications.  Do you happen to know how to do that as well?

That's called (re-)orthogonalization.  Graphics Gems I has code to do it.

You might also reconsider whatever it is that's causing the matrix to become
nonorthogonal.  In the case of arcball-type rotation you can:

1. Store the current transform matrix M when the rotation begins
2. Store the initial arcball conditions (cursor location, etc.)
3. For each mouse movement, compute the transform M' from the original
location to the current one - that is, don't use incremental updates
4. Multiply M and M' to get the rotated transform, and apply it to the object
5. When done, update M to M * M'

I've been using the Gems arcball code in this manner for years and have
never had to deal with orthogonalization.

PS.  I might do a new ldglite release this weekend.  Lots of bug fixes
and I tried to add some more of the missing ldlite features.


Barb & Steve Demlow  |  |

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Unusual View matrices in LDRAW.INI
I knew there was a way to decompose the matrices! But I couldn't find it. Where is that written down? I also thought there was a way to remove the cumulative round off errors in a transformation matrix after many matrix multiplications. Do you (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to

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