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 CAD / Development / 5368
  Re: Unusual View matrices in LDRAW.INI
(...) I don't know their origin, but you're right, there's a shear component in them. Here's what a matrix decomposition shows: (...) Scale : (1.5, 0.942809, 1.41421, 0) Rotate : (0.321751, 0.729728, 0.463648, 0) Translate : (0, 0, 0, 0) Shear : (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to
  Re: Unusual View matrices in LDRAW.INI
I knew there was a way to decompose the matrices! But I couldn't find it. Where is that written down? I also thought there was a way to remove the cumulative round off errors in a transformation matrix after many matrix multiplications. Do you (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to
  Re: Unusual View matrices in LDRAW.INI
(...) It's from Graphics Gems II, the code for which is available online (linked from (URL) ). (...) That's called (re-)orthogonalization. Graphics Gems I has code to do it. You might also reconsider whatever it is that's causing the matrix to (...) (24 years ago, 5-Oct-00, to

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