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[DAT] (requires LDraw-compatible viewer)
Re: Any way to scale models/parts in ldraw?
Thu, 7 Sep 2000 13:39:43 GMT
874 times
In, Jamie Obrien wrote:

Hi, i'm finally getting some bitmaps converted, but i need them at different
sizes. What i figure i could do, is to convert a bitmap to dat in a largish
image, and then if i need it in a smaller size i can then scale down the
original large dat, and gain some resolution in the process. I thouhgt i could
do it in ldraw but can't work out how. If you can't do it in ldraw, is there a
utility program that could do it. It seems a simple enough task to scale a
vector dat, although it may need moving aftwerwards if it wasn't orientated at
the origin.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

I don't know of an editor that will doing scaling operations (although
LDAO's Editor *should*).  I can think of two solutions:

1. Keep your image.dat as a separate file.  Whenever you need to use it,
reference it like a part-file.  To scale, change the parameters on the
file-reference commandline:

1 16 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 image.dat

Change the '0.5' values to whatever scale you want.

2. To make a new file, or to prepare code for inclusion in another file,
use a spreadsheet program.  Open your image.dat in your favorite
spreadsheet.  Multiply all the position/orientation parameters by whatever
scale you want.  Save to newimage.dat.


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