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Re: the parts 754.dat and 756.dat in the 8.5L hose
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 18:15:37 GMT
819 times
In, Fredrik Glöckner wrote:

Thanks for clearing that up!  In that case, I'll submit the 756.dat I
just posted to to Steve Bliss.  Since it is an
improvement of an existing part, it shouldn't require a vote, right?

That's correct.  As long as I think it's ok, it goes into the update.  I saw
your message in my partsref inbox, but I haven't processed it yet.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: the parts 754.dat and 756.dat in the 8.5L hose
(...) Thanks for your effort! I would be happy if you find the time to process it some time, be it before or after the next update. Fredrik (25 years ago, 21-Apr-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: the parts 754.dat and 756.dat in the 8.5L hose
(...) Thanks for clearing that up! In that case, I'll submit the 756.dat I just posted to to Steve Bliss. Since it is an improvement of an existing part, it shouldn't require a vote, right? Fredrik (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to

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