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Re: i admit i was wrong
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 15:43:32 GMT
885 times
At 12:37 AM 8/13/99 , Jonathan Wilson wrote:
I will use captial letters in future, OK.
I did not know it pissed people off so much.
Also i do not have the skills to do the rounded edges on the baseplate part
and the other baseplates do not have the edges so I will assume that they are
not needed.

And you're showing a lot of attitude here.  How much does it take for you
to realize that something DOES piss people off?  Ten
posts?  Twenty?  Fifty??  Because people have been posting complaints about
Your Arrogancy for months and months.  And what do you do to those
posts?  Ignore them.  Period.  No responses, no changes.  And then you get
all ruffled when it finally enters your thick skull.  I think that Shuddap
Mode would be best for this situation.

-Tim <><
AIM:   timcourtne
ICQ:   23951114

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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: i admit i was wrong
(...) do i have to do the rounded edges to get the part in? if not then ---...--- This is the stuff we are talking about.. the above sentence.. you are already looking for the easy way to do the part.. that's NOT how these are done.. the parts are (...) (26 years ago, 13-Aug-99, to

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