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Re: Another part variation
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 16:02:44 GMT
816 times
Steve Bliss wrote:

obPartTrivia: Anyone notice that there are[1] two different versions of the
"Palm Tree Trunk Segment"?  One is 40LDU[2] tall, the other is 44LDU tall.
The difference is in the male connector on the bottom of the part.  The
shorter version appears to be the same as the taller, just 4LDU-worth of
connector has been removed.

The current version is the shorter.  It's used in set #8247, Road Rebel.

The longer version grips about 3x better, when trying to separate the parts
by bending them sideways.  This could be important, if your palm trees are
in a hurricane.


1- Or were
2- LDraw Units

Plant those new hurricane proof palm trees!

Just kiddin', just the other day I had the new tree in my hands for the
first time. Yuck.

Message has 1 Reply:
  New Palm Tree (was: Re: Another part variation)
(...) Aren't they horrible? The new tree would be somewhat defensible if it held together. But it's more fragile than the old multi-part trees. One step backward, and two steps back. Steve (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Another part variation
obPartTrivia: Anyone notice that there are[1] two different versions of the "Palm Tree Trunk Segment"? One is 40LDU[2] tall, the other is 44LDU tall. The difference is in the male connector on the bottom of the part. The shorter version appears to (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to, lugnet.general)

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