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Re: "Well-Formed" LDraw (Was: regular expressions for DAT file subpart lines)
Fri, 25 Jun 1999 07:40:13 GMT
76 times
Hey now,
that's beginning to look like the yacc grammer for LDRAW in
the LDLite source code.
If you want to get precise in the language spec, grab the LDLite lex and
yacc files and either take them as the defacto standard or modify them
to handle the cases better.

Steve Bliss wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:09:53 GMT, Sproaticus <> wrote:

Steve Bliss wrote:
Oops, I forgot a few other odd things.  I *think* your expression allows
these, but I'm not sure:
Nope, won't take a fraction w/o the integer part; gotta fix that

Nope, same reason as above

Both of the above are common output from LDAO code.

Nope, I can't even figure out what this is supposed to be without the
mantissa!  Is it just 1?

Well, I was just throwing stuff out.  I don't know if LDraw would take that
one, or not.

The hard part about using a single regular expression to detect scientific
notation is that it might allow things like "+.E." to represent a number,
which any respectable atoi() would choke on.  I gotta think about this some
more, see if it's even worth my time at the moment...

Darned context-sensitive constructions.

BTW, the color-code can be in scientific notation.  The line-type can't, at
least, it can't in LDLite.  I'm betting LDraw would recognize 1E0 as a
valid line-type.

Hmmm...  But LEdit doesn't output scientific notation in these areas.  I'm
inclined to be more liberal than restrictive, but some of these cases don't
make any sense; i.e. fractional colors.

I didn't say they made sense.  Just that they were valid input to LDraw.

What about line-breaks?  LDraw allows those in the middle of the line.  And
anything extra after the filename is ignored, I think.  At least, on
line-types 2 through 5, anything after the last parameter and before a line
break is ignored.

Arg.  Broken lines would obviate a line-based parser.  Pascal parsers tend
to be character-based, while Perl makes it much easier to write line-based

Yep.  LDraw's parser consists of the Pascal read() and readln() functions.

I wonder if we should start to differentiate between "valid" and
"well-formed" LDraw files, a la XML...?

That might be a useful distinction.  I assume "valid" means LDraw will
render it correctly, and "well-formed" means it follows the expected forms?
"Well-formed" would not allow the following:
- Mid-command line-breaks
- Scientific notation for line-types and color codes
- Leading zeroes on values (except when the value is between 0 and 1)

Hmmm.  Going outside of regular expressions, using some personal flavor of
grammar notation (and not claiming this a well-written grammar):

Start        -> <command> <br> <Start>
              |  null
command      -> 1 <ws> <subfile>
              |  2 <ws> <line>
              |  3 <ws> <triangle>
              |  4 <ws> <quad>
              |  5 <ws> <cond_line>
              |  0 <ws> <meta_command>
              |  <ws> ; not sure this one is necessary
br           -> [\cr\lf]+
subfile      -> <int> <ws> (<real> <ws>){12} <filename> <ws>*
line         -> <int> <ws> (<real> <ws>){5} <real> <ws>*
triangle     -> <int> <ws> (<real> <ws>){8} <real> <ws>*
quad         -> <int> <ws> (<real> <ws>){11} <real> <ws>*
cond_line    -> <int> <ws> (<real> <ws>){11} <real> <ws>*
meta_command -> <keyword> <string>
              |  <string>
keyword      -> PRINT
              | WRITE
              | STEP
              | CLEAR
              | SAVE
              | PAUSE
              | CLS
string       -> {any string of text, excluding \cr and \lf}
real         -> <sign> <float>
              | <sign> <float> E <sign> <float>
int          -> [1-9][0-9]*
              | 0
float        -> <int>
              | <int> .
              | <int> . <int>
              | . <int>
sign         -> +
              | null
ws           -> [\32\9]+ ; sorry if my escape-notation is weird

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: "Well-Formed" LDraw (Was: regular expressions for DAT file subpart lines)
(...) Oh, good. Then I wrote something close to correct. :) (...) That's probably a good idea. Most people will just scratch their heads at them, but some people would find it useful. Steve (26 years ago, 25-Jun-99, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: "Well-Formed" LDraw (Was: regular expressions for DAT file subpart lines)
(...) Both of the above are common output from LDAO code. (...) Well, I was just throwing stuff out. I don't know if LDraw would take that one, or not. (...) Darned context-sensitive constructions. (...) I didn't say they made sense. Just that they (...) (26 years ago, 24-Jun-99, to,

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