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 CAD / Development / 11022
    Re: calc_z4.c (Was: Math Problem Again) —Tore Eriksson
   In, Timothy Gould wrote: // calc_z4 by Tore Eriksson // credits to Ronan Webb for the superb formula double calc_z4(double x1,double y1,double z1, double x2,double y2,double z2, double x3,double y3,double z3, double x4,double y4) { (...) (15 years ago, 23-Oct-09, to
        Re: calc_z4.c (Was: Math Problem Again) —Travis Cobbs
   (...) Actually, if the original triangle is (for example) in the Y-Z plane, then just passing in an x4 that's different from x1, x2, and x3 will result in a failure. The equivalent goes for an initial triangle in the X-Z plane. --Travis (15 years ago, 25-Oct-09, to
        Re: calc_z4.c (Was: Math Problem Again) —Tore Eriksson
   (...) True, but such triangles will not be visible in the 2-D front view of the UI and therefor not clickable - unless the program is buggy. And if you can't click on them, the function never has to encounter data from them. Hopefully... /Tore (15 years ago, 26-Oct-09, to

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