Re: x210c01 ChromeSilver Drill 4 x 4 x 7
Fri, 12 Dec 2008 07:32:35 GMT
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In, John Jensen wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 20:01:28 GMT, "Philippe Hurbain"
> <> wrote:
> > In, John Jensen wrote:
> > > Has anyone been working on this?
> > None I know...
> >
> > > I used the Peeron partnumber, would that be correct?
> > The official way is to ask a number to a LDraw admin. That said there are
> > numerous parts on tracker named px... (would be px210c01 here)
> >
> > > I have determined that the shape of the "body" of the drill is
> > > extremely close to 5+(x+3)^(1/1.58), does any primitives exist that
> > > are useable for such a curved cone shape? Or is the solution simply to
> > > use a series of ring primitives?
> >
> > Yes you should be able to use stacked cone primitives. As Travis suggested the
> > size of the part needs 48\ primitives.
> Just to refresh my memory ( I haven't done any parts since 2951) The
> 48 primitives divide a circle in 48 straight lines, right? That would
> for a 60 LDU diameter mean that each straight line is approx 4 LDU's
> long, so using coneshapes each 4 LDU long would yield approx the same
> resolution lengthwise as diameterwise, right? That's only about 40
> cones, so maybe I'll go with 2 LDU.
I do not understand correctly what you are saying.
If you use a cone primitive you can stretch it in all direction. There is no
need to use "about 40 cones". A maximum of 10 should do the same! You should use
for this the program "cones and rings" that calculates the needed cones by give
the minimum and maximum diameter and the length of the parts cone shape.
> As for the screwshape, i plan to embed it slightly into the body in
> order to avoid "holes". I'll create a program that does the math and
> writes the lines for me.
> > Good luck with the screw shape, this one is not easy!!! Maybe (but I'm not sure
> > how I would do that...) you could use my Pathtruder tool for that
> > (
> >
> > > The hole in the end is a compination of a peghole and axelhole, has
> > > this been done as a subpart?
> >
> > No. But the axlehole part is not functional here, it would not be a big mistake
> > to use a simple peghole.
> >
> > Philo
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: x210c01 ChromeSilver Drill 4 x 4 x 7
| (...) Welcome back! (...) I agree with Mikeheide, since the total curvature is low I think 6 cones would be more than enough! (...) Seems a good approach. As for the edge line between screw and cones, Isecalc will provide it instantly! (It would be (...) (16 years ago, 12-Dec-08, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: x210c01 ChromeSilver Drill 4 x 4 x 7
| (...) Just to refresh my memory ( I haven't done any parts since 2951) The 48 primitives divide a circle in 48 straight lines, right? That would for a 60 LDU diameter mean that each straight line is approx 4 LDU's long, so using coneshapes each 4 (...) (16 years ago, 11-Dec-08, to
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