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 CAD / LDraw Files / Models / 271
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Re: LCadville
lugnet.cad.dat.models, lugnet.cad, lugnet.general
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 20:50:02 GMT
4036 times
In lugnet.cad.dat.models, John VanZwieten writes:
And so LCadville is born!  See for its humble

Yaaay!!  My house is First to break ground!!  :)  Too bad my last name is
spelled wrong (Stembel, not Stemble) and the link is to Jeff Boen's spoof House
with porsche.  :)

The idea is this:

Anyone who designs a town building and models it in LDraw can have their own
plot in LCadville.  After a .dat file is posted to lugnet.cad.dat.models, I
will periodically add it to the town layout and run a new POV scene.  Requests
for specific placement will be honored to the extent I can.

Maybe every once in a while, building placements can be changed to more logical
positions (i.e. zoning) if need be.

Keep in mind that LCadville is a smallish town at this point, so no
skyscrapers need apply.

Anyone who submits a house may also submit a vehicle for their driveway.

Buildings should be submitted without a baseplate, but landscaping is welcome.

I'll be working on a way to identify the owners of individual buildings in the

So let's see those town buildings coming!  In addition to houses, LCadville is
in need of all the basic buildings a town requires, i.e. city hall, general
store, school, bank, post office, etc.

I've started work on a shopping center modeled after the Woodmoor Shopping
Center near where I live.  I also have plans to make some more houses using
details from houses near me.

Do you want us to make buildings with all walls?  Or is it okay to leave off
the walls that allow for interior accessability?


P.S.  I'll modify my house slightly to include some of the features I left off
in the version I posted.

Message is in Reply To:
And so LCadville is born! See (URL) for its humble beginnings. The idea is this: Anyone who designs a town building and models it in LDraw can have their own plot in LCadville. After a .dat file is posted to lugnet.cad.dat.models, I will (...) (25 years ago, 1-Sep-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models, lugnet.cad, lugnet.general)

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