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RE: I have a new idea and a new animation
Sat, 5 Jan 2002 23:48:55 GMT
564 times
Tore Eriksson writes:
What you say, does it mean that I am able to make *gulp* DVD
films (max 640 Mb) on my PC (I know, rendering will take at
least two eternities)?

Using the DivX codec, you can make a feature length movie with stereo
sound at DVD resolution fit onto a single CD.  ...But you won't be able
to play it on a standalone DVD player.  Many DVD players can, however
play VCDs or SVCDs.  VCD and SVCD usually require two CD's per movie.
VCD uses MPEG-1 compression, and some burner programs (such as Nero 5.5)
include settings to help you burn a video file onto a VCD.  IIRC, DVD
uses MPEG2, and you might have to use a DVD disc for the player to
recognize it as a DVD...I really don't know.
  So, my advice is to check whether your player supports VCDs, and if
so, read up a bit on making your own VCDs.

Bram Lambrecht

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I have a new idea and a new animation
I know nada about DVD, except for my PlayStation 2 can handle DVD movies. What you say, does it mean that I am able to make *gulp* DVD films (max 640 Mb) on my PC (I know, rendering will take at least two eternities)? /Tore (...) (23 years ago, 5-Jan-02, to lugnet.cad)

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