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Re: Reiterate: How to make a squish matrix?
lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 18:57:23 GMT
1471 times
In lugnet.cad, Koen Jordens writes:
that shouldn't be too hard either.
just operate the matrix on the points alone.
if your cilinder has it's axle around the Y axle.
L is the length of the cilinder
and if it starts at 0 0 0
you could use
(1-y/L) 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 (1-y/L)

this would turn the top circle located at y=L into a point and the bottom
circle would remain the same.

Yes, but you cannot put (1-y/L) into a transformation matrix.  It is a
*function* that changes for each 3D point.  The purpose of a tranformation
matrix is to precalculate a matrix of *numbers* that gets multiplied
by all the points of the cylinder.

Dan ;)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Reiterate: How to make a squish matrix?
that shouldn't be too hard either. just operate the matrix on the points alone. if your cilinder has it's axle around the Y axle. L is the length of the cilinder and if it starts at 0 0 0 you could use (1-y/L) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 (1-y/L) this would turn (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray)

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