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Re: VB - parts and transformation matrices, Z-ordering, optional lines, bow-tied quads - help!
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:00:36 GMT
945 times
Fixed it! When running the coords through the matrix I wasn't storing the
new values in a separate array, so when it came to calculating the new Z
coord on the 4-4ndis.dat and 4-4disc.dat parts I was using the translated X
and Y coords in the calc instead of the original ones. I'm now using a
temporary array to hold the new values and it works a treat. Now to
implement bow-tie quad checking - I keep finding them everywhere!


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  Re: VB - parts and transformation matrices, Z-ordering, optional lines, bow-tied quads - help!
(...) Imagine you have Modeling Matrix M and another matrix A to multiply it by, like when you use command 1 (one, include of another .DAT file) And you want to keep the final Matrix as a New modelling Matrix (NM) so, you must be doing NM = M . A (...) (24 years ago, 27-Mar-01, to lugnet.cad)

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