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Re: MSP, MAP, and "Bear" Hard Suit .DAT files now available!
lugnet.cad.dat.models,,, lugnet.cad
Mon, 19 Feb 2001 18:55:37 GMT
97 times
In lugnet.cad.dat.models, Rui Manuel Silva Martins writes:
On Sat, 17 Feb 2001, Mladen Pejic wrote:

Get ready to fire up those L-CAD editors/viewers...

"Bear" Hard Suit:

Has always your Mechs Look Great !

Thank you Rui!

Personnaly, I prefer the MSP over the MAP. It's a matter of taste I presume.

I actually like the MAP more, since it was the first Mobile Platform I built,
and because I like the Blacktron I colour scheme.

I like very much spider like, 6 legged robots.

Me too, mabye 'cause they look more realistic than bi-pedal mecha.

Yippee... I can finally disassemble those two behemoths!!!

And I thought you were keeping all that stuff assembled, what a shame,
It would be cool to fill an entire room with Mechs.

I would love to keep all my MOCs intact, but then I wouldn't be able to build
newer, cooler, more detailed stuff.

BTW sorry it took this long to MLCAD these models; I was busy with exams and

Why are you apologising ?
You already did a great work in building them in LDRAW format, besides the
actual lego.

Well, I'm apologizing to myself; I feel kinda bad that I wasn't able to L-CAD
these models a month ago.

They are a great work, and you shouldnt apologise about an hobby of yours.

Thank you.

Or is it a living ?  =;)

Living... No doubt about it... ;-)

Anxious to see the next ones you come up with

I'm planning on building a atmospheric mecha transport... And that's all I'm
disclosing at the moment... ;-)

See ya

Rui Martins

Mladen Pejic, over and out!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MSP, MAP, and "Bear" Hard Suit .DAT files now available!
(...) Personnaly, I prefer the MSP over the MAP. It's a matter of taste I presume. I like very much spider like, 6 legged robots. (...) And I thought you were keeping all that stuff assembled, what a shame, It would be cool to fill an entire room (...) (24 years ago, 19-Feb-01, to lugnet.cad.dat.models,,, lugnet.cad)

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