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Re: *** LDView v0.6.3 Released ***
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 04:20:58 GMT
953 times
In lugnet.announce, Travis Cobbs writes:
LDView v0.6.3 is now available, in both source and binary forms.  You can
download either from:

The only feature added in this release is a change in the preferences panel
so that all options now go into effect immediately.  You no longer have to
manually reload the model after changing certain options; it does so
automatically.  Do the the time that reloading models can take, the
preferences panel now has OK/Cancel/Apply buttons.  Changes don't happen
until you hit either OK or Apply.

Let me know if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions.

--Travis Cobbs (
(Remove .REMOVE from address to send me e-mail.)

Wow! I like it!


Message is in Reply To:
  *** LDView v0.6.3 Released ***
LDView v0.6.3 is now available, in both source and binary forms. You can download either from: (URL) only feature added in this release is a change in the preferences panel so that all options now go into effect immediately. You no longer have to (...) (24 years ago, 14-Aug-00, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad)  

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