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Camera positioning for animation in POV with L3P files
Fri, 25 Feb 2000 19:52:43 GMT
689 times
Just a quick question or two for anyone that can help out.  I've been reading
the POV documentation on animation and I'l like to give it a try with a couple
models I converted from L-Draw to POV with L3P (and L3PAO).

Specifically I need to know how the camera position is determined.  I've done
some POV rendering before, prior to using any of the LEGO related stuff and I've
always used x,y,z for the camera.  The converter seems to be using a polar type
coordinate system.  I need to know how to get the camera position to change,
like following a curve, while still pointing at my model.  For instance, I'd
like to start on one side of my model (standard 45 degree view) and rotate
around the z-axis by 180 degrees.   Any help or discussion to clear up how to do
that would be appreciated.  If I can get an understanding of how to calculate
the camera position I should be able to create my own curve tracking.


|  Rob Farver -             |              |  |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Camera positioning for animation in POV with L3P files
(...) A few posts back in lugnet.cad.ray, I posted some lines of POV code that calculated the camera position using a polar coordinate system... HTH, --Bram Bram Lambrecht / o o \ ---...---oooo-----(_...o---...--- WWW: (URL) (25 years ago, 25-Feb-00, to lugnet.cad)

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