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Re: How are LDraw piece numbers allocated?
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 13:24:39 GMT
1180 times
Steve Anderson wrote:

I mean, I look at this great list of numbers and LDraw masters know them
all... I can't see any pattern or anything beyond the obvious (like minifig
legs and things like that).

It's just that Mr Eriksson above has already got a number for that wing,
and it confuses me terribly...



On most new parts, their part number is printed on them in a Liliputian font.
So was the case the wing just mentioned.
Look carefully, and you'll see it.


Message is in Reply To:
  How are LDraw piece numbers allocated?
I mean, I look at this great list of numbers and LDraw masters know them all... I can't see any pattern or anything beyond the obvious (like minifig legs and things like that). It's just that Mr Eriksson above has already got a number for that (...) (26 years ago, 7-Oct-98, to lugnet.cad)

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