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Re: Bioncile part naming
Sun, 12 Sep 2010 16:48:20 GMT
20592 times
In lugnet.cad, Santeri Piippo wrote:
   Now that Bionicle has been discontinued and been given a successor, what should we do about the part naming? Say, we got these two parts:

The parts are similar in both design and use (though the latter is more sleek and smooth). The only major difference between them are the themes they are used in - former is a “Bionicle” part and the latter is a “Hero Factory” part.

What if I’d go and model them both? (the latter one is on my to-do list..) How would I name them? We’ve in the past practiced that we shouldn’t have branding words in part titles.. why should we here?

Thus, I’m suggesting that we take all Bionicle parts, and rename them from “Technic Bionicle” to “Technic Figure”. The new naming would, naturally, also be applied to the Hero Factory parts, unifying the two groups of similar parts into one.


The parts you are showing are not identically! So in this case this problem does not arise but it is still there. I am against a big renaming and I like your suggestion. But why should we use “Technic Figure”? Because it is used in figures? No that is not that good. It would be better only to describe the part itself. So in this case it might be a “Technic Connector” in both cases.

cu mikeheide

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bioncile part naming
(...) Isn't the primary connection the Ball Joint & Socket? Shouldn't that come into the name? (14 years ago, 13-Sep-10, to lugnet.cad)

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  Bioncile part naming
Now that Bionicle has been discontinued and been given a successor, what should we do about the part naming? Say, we got these two parts: (2 URLs) The parts are similar in both design and use (though the latter is more sleek and smooth). The only (...) (14 years ago, 12-Sep-10, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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