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New LDraw part author tool: PlanarCheck
lugnet.cad, lugnet.announce
Thu, 27 Dec 2007 16:04:27 GMT
9468 times

PlanarCheck helps you verify that all quads of a part file are planar enough to fulfill Parts Tracker requirements. While a triangle is always flat, a quad may be warped. This can yield weird rendering results, as exemplified by the center square in the image above (though the effect is generally much less apparent, the center square is VERY distorted for illustration purpose...).

Coplanarity verification was previously done using “Dist Coplanarity Check” and “Det Coplanarity Check” included in L3P or LDDP. Unfortunately these tools results were not simple to interpret, since Dist values are proportional to the size of the quad, and Det values are proportional to size^3. PlanarCheck tries to overcome this issue by calculating the angle between the triangles composing the quad.

The coplanarity error threshold default is 3°, and a warning is issued for quads whose non-coplanarity exceeds 1°.

Program, source, documentation, examples are available here


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