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Re: Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
Sat, 11 Nov 2006 20:34:50 GMT
2114 times
David Baszucki,

Good job so far. Only one question that comes to mind. Is it OpenGL?

The one thing I would reconmend is that you impliment normal mapping (the high
rez hight texture taken from a high detailed model and placed on a low rez
model- it is a lighting/shadow effect that fakes depth). This would help make
things look even better but would help keep the polys at their current level.

Jeffrey Jarvis

Message is in Reply To:
  Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
Hi - I'm working on an experimental CAD/simulation/game/website called ROBLOX and would welcome any feedback on product direction from the Lego community. The physics engine handles things like collapsing buildings and vehicles by properly (...) (18 years ago, 11-Nov-06, to lugnet.cad)

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