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Building a sphere
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 09:59:54 GMT
921 times
Rich Thompson ( wrote:
Has anyone modeled a sphere in Ldraw? I am having trouble getting an
interesting sphere effect in a tight (16-20 stud) space and could use some

I've polished up the code for generating building
instructions for a LEGO sphere I posted yesterday. It still
needs some tweaking (part number for 1x1 plate and a
corrected orientation matrix), but at least it compiles.

If you need a sphere with a different radius, just change
the value of the constant "Radius" (on line 30).

Play well,


--  procedure Sphere_Instructions (body)
--  Writes a LDraw file with building instructions for a LEGO sphere.
--  Requested by Rich Thompson (
--  You can get a free Ada compiler at <URL:>.
--  1999.03.24-25 (Jacob Sparre Andersen)
--    Written.
--  Standard packages:

with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO;


procedure Sphere_Instructions is

   --  The orientation matrix or the order the coordinates are _printed_ in
   --  needs to be fixed.

   Radius : constant Positive := 45; --  LU ( = 1/2 plates )

   Squared_Radius : constant Positive := (Radius * 4)**2; --  LDraw units

   Half_Width  : constant Positive := Radius / 5 + 1; --  Studs
   Half_Height : constant Positive := Radius / 2 + 1; --  Plates


   use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
   use Ada.Text_IO;

   X, Y, Z : Integer;

begin --  Sphere_Instructions
   Put_Line ("0 FILE build_sphere.dat");
   Put_Line ("0 TITLE Building instructions for a sphere");

   for Z_Index in - Half_Height .. + Half_Height loop
      Z := 8 * Z_Index; --  LDraw units

      for X_Index in - Half_Width  .. + Half_Width loop
         X := 20 * X_Index; --  LDraw units

         for Y_Index in - Half_Width  .. + Half_Width loop
            Y := 20 * Y_Index; --  LDraw units

            if X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2 <= Squared_Radius then
               Put ("1 16 ");
               Put ("1 24 ");
            end if;

            Put (X);
            Put (" ");
            Put (Y);
            Put (" ");
            Put (Z);
            Put_Line (" 1 0 0  0 1 0  0 0 1  1x1plate.dat");
         end loop;
      end loop;

      Put_Line ("0 STEP");
   end loop;
end Sphere_Instructions;

Message is in Reply To:
  A Sphere
Has anyone modeled a sphere in Ldraw? I am having trouble getting an interesting sphere effect in a tight (16-20 stud) space and could use some ideas... Rich (URL) (26 years ago, 20-Mar-99, to lugnet.cad)

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