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Re: I found an LDRAW importer for Google SketchUp
Fri, 27 Oct 2006 00:00:15 GMT
2766 times
In lugnet.cad, Lee Gaiteri wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Anders Isaksson wrote:
Lee Gaiteri wrote:

then SketchUp could mock up a part

Is Sketchup good when making things with precise dimensions? I've played a
bit with it, and it's easy to draw *something*, but I didn't find an easy
way to get precise dimensions (and it's all too easy to change things with
the mouse).

You can add dimension objects, which get "linked" to points you specify, so as
you change the size of the object it's linked to, the dimension is automatically
updated. Not the perfect solution, but does allow for reasonable accuracy.

Many modeling programs I've looked into over the years (I don't currently use a
3D modeler because of this) don't allow that level of precision, no. However,
with complex parts like hair, manually adding a zillion lines and triangles
isn't all that feasible. As far as conditional edges go, my edger utility can
handle adding those, but the rest is quite hard. Neither LDraw Design Pad nor
MLCad is able to simply move a vertex, split an edge, etc. I'm tempted to write
my own program for this, but I think it'd be easier to design an LDDP plugin
than write a program. I've been compiling a list of functions that no current
editor I've seen has:

- Split a quad into two triangles
- Split an edge
- Easily move a vertex

SketchUp can do all these quite nicely. It can split a quad into 2 quads too if
you need to. All you do is add a line where you want to split, and you can drag
the line as needed. I think it would be a great tool for modelling complex
surfaces like minifig hair, if an export to DAT funtion can be written.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I found an LDRAW importer for Google SketchUp
(...) I got the following mail from Jim (the author of the LDRAW import plugin): (...) Hello Anders, I've been reading the posts in the news about my LDraw SketchUp Plugin. Thanks for the posting. I have uploaded a new version with a (...) (18 years ago, 30-Oct-06, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I found an LDRAW importer for Google SketchUp
(...) I haven't tried it either, though I haven't seen anything else to compare it to. I did manage to find one user review on a download site that says it's good, but it works best on light-colored objects. (...) Aye, there's the rub. (...) Many (...) (18 years ago, 26-Oct-06, to lugnet.cad)

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