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Bag inventories now available in LDD format!
Thu, 1 Sep 2005 15:15:43 GMT
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1123 times
Several industrious guys (Larry, Adrian, Dan, probably some others I’m neglecting) have figured out the part bags that LF is using for its pricing, and how to convert these into files that can be used directly within LEGO Digital Designer! By dropping these bad boys in, you can quite easily make a model that doesn’t waste 95% of the parts in the resulting kit.

(You do have to convert your model back to the standard starter kits before uploading it to LF, but that’s a minor hassle for a great result.)

The .tix files you need, along with various notes and installation instructions, are here on BrickWiki.

– Joe

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bag inventories now available in LDD format!
I'd like to mention to everyone that currently all of the Factory starter sets have been inventoried by bag and converted into custom palettes (.TIX files) for use in LDD. I'd suggest visiting the Brickwiki site first, but there is also a direct (...) (20 years ago, 12-Sep-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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