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Re: Visio and Picture formats (was New Parts Drawings - Plates, Slope, Track Pieces)
Sun, 6 Feb 2005 19:51:13 GMT
1305 times
In, Mark Bellis wrote:
   Is GIF the standard highest compression, lowest loss format? If so, why doesn’t everyone use them? I’ve seen animation in GIFs - how do you do that? What are PNGs used for, since they lose definition? Are GIFs or PNGs any more vulnerable to viruses than jpegs or bitmaps?

Both GIF and PNG are lossless. GIF files don’t have better compression; the reason that the gif file is so much smaller is because gif uses only 8 bits per pixel, while png can use 24, 32, or even 48 or 64 bits per pixel.

No image formats really contain viruses. There was news a while back about the Perrun virus, which attached the virus payload to JPEG files, but it needs a separate exe file to do any damage. You could just as easily attach something to an MPD file, but that doesn’t mean that the ldraw format is vulnerable to viruses.


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