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Re: problem: only one part visible
Thu, 2 Dec 2004 23:47:51 GMT
1429 times
In lugnet.cad, Sonnich Jensen wrote:

My problem is, that when I move some partys by hand, it hides  most of the other
bricks, which makes it hard to locate them.
Why is this?

I'm not sure what you mean exactly by 'hide' here, but I suspect you've got
'draw to selection' turned on. It's under the Settings menu. When turned on only
parts up to and including the selected part/s are displayed.

I still have huge problems with rotating parts in odd angles, it there a way, to
set a "direct" angle?
E.g. a wall to 53 degress, or a vertical plate to be rotated 45 degrees, and
turned "backwards" 15 degrees?

Select the part/s you wish to rotate. Right click. Select 'Enter Pos + Rot...".
Tick the 'use rotation vector values box. Enter a 1 into the axis you wish to
rotate by and the desired angle in the angle field. Alternatively set the
rotation grid to the angle you want and rotate it with the rotation tools at the
top of the screen (this is my preferred method). For more accurate rotation, set
the rotation point where you want it first (see below).

is there a way to snap parts to other parts, which already have an odd

Select the rotated part you want to connect to. Whilst holding down the ctrl key
move it where you want the new part to be (it will move according to a rotated
grid). Right click on the new part and modify it to the part you wish it to be.
Another way it to put all the rotated parts into a sub-assembly where you can
model them to a regular grid.

Is there a way to grap a corner, and turn/pull a brick a bit?

No. However, using custom rotation points and setting the fine grid will achieve
the same result. Set the rotation point in the Settings menu. Ticking the 'show
rotation point' will allow you to move it wherever you want with the mouse. I
generally move it as close as I can manually and then open the rotation point
dialogue box and set it more precisely in the provided coordinate boxes.
Generally the center of rotation of things like clips and hinges fall on the
grid, so after eyeballing it as closely as possible you should round the
coordinates to the nearest round number.

Useful note: You can set a custom rotation point for a subassembly and it will
become the 'part rotation point' when you insert that assembly into the model.

To reset the grid, go to settings/general/change and set the fine grid. Normally
I have the rotation angle set at five, but sometimes for finer adjustments I'll
change that to 1 or even 0.5. It's a lot easier to rotate things into the
correct position with an accurately placed rotation point.



Message is in Reply To:
  problem: only one part visible
Hi! My problem is, that when I move some partys by hand, it hides most of the other bricks, which makes it hard to locate them. Why is this? I still have huge problems with rotating parts in odd angles, it there a way, to set a "direct" angle? E.g. (...) (20 years ago, 2-Dec-04, to lugnet.cad)

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