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LSC - request for defining a WORKING connection database standard
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 10:04:33 GMT
3359 times
dear LSC members,

LEGO Digital Designer has only
one feature I really miss in the LDraw system: the snap-in behavior. guys,
I'd like to ask you - no I beg you down on my knees -  to define a working
standard for a connection database. there is currently a proposal at

but it is all theorical. to launch this thing we would just nead 2,3 working
examples (bricks, plates) of these .cdl files

with the proper coordinations and a prog (LDDP plug-in or stand-alone) where we
could test new definitions. a paralell PT could collect those .cdl files.
I can also think of a restriction for submitting new parts. authors would have
to submit a .cdl file first, before they are alowed to submit a .dat file. this
would boost the build-up of the library. could you make this happen?

humble part-author with no programming
skills but seeking to submit his new
parts along with a proper .cdl file

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: LSC - request for defining a WORKING connection database standard
(...) I like the idea of connections. I think it's really neat and would like to see it realised. I support asking LSC to look into this further. But I fear that requiring authors to submit a .cdl file might be increasing the barriers to entry for (...) (20 years ago, 19-Mar-04, to lugnet.cad,,
  Re: LSC - request for defining a WORKING connection database standard
(...) I would love to see a connection database for the LDraw system With that we might be able to make a simulator. This could be handy for test driving ideas as well as good for animations. Kevin (20 years ago, 19-Mar-04, to lugnet.cad,,
  Re: LSC - request for defining a WORKING connection database standard
(...) Hi Willy, I think "working" needs a tool. 1. there is a tool 2. there is a developping database There is no chicken-egg problem: the tool always precedes the database. Would you model parts without MLCad, LeoCad or LDraw? I doubt anybody (...) (19 years ago, 18-Jul-05, to lugnet.cad,,

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