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Train Bases
Sun, 19 Oct 2003 10:55:43 GMT
597 times
This weekend I have created the Train Base 6 x 22 with Motor Cutout. (As used in set 727 and some others). After some more verification I will upload this part to the PT as x280.dat (one of my last free 3DNs).

Looking at the various train bases I suggest a name change for those with a motor cutout that ‘with Motor Cutout’ is added to the title. This makes it easy to search for plates/train bases with the cutout. This also makes a better to understand difference between several 6 x 16 train bases (although there are still two 6 x 16 train bases with motor cutout, but there is also a 6 x 16 train base without a motor cutout). Two trainbases to change the names are already on the PT: x285.dat (created by me, so i can reupload the part with the changed name) and 4178.dat (uploaded by SEB).

For part 4178 I suggest to replace the quads around the buffers with a 4-4con14 primitive, which I did too with the buffers on parts x279 (Train Single Buffer) and x280 (Train Base 6 x 22 with Motor Cutout).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Train Bases
(...) Now upladed to the PT: x280.dat and x280c01.dat (with magnets) P.S. please read my original posting, too, for a suggestion for a namechange and the use of primitives in parts with buffers. Niels (21 years ago, 29-Oct-03, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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