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 CAD / *19820 (-5)
  Help Needed: Boundary Box Utility  [DAT]
Could somebody please make a utility that calculates and creates a boundary box for a .dat file? I want it to be able to take a DOS command line like "bbox.exe C:\Ldraw\Models.Mymodel.dat" and it should create '' in the same directory. An (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad,  
  Re: Hello!
Look at (URL) can find everything there! P.S. Welcome to the club (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: terrain in LDraw
Mike: (...) No. PGM is basically a "pure ASCII grey-scale only" version of BMP. You can find information and conversion tools at: (URL) PS - Do you have any screenshots? I noticed there weren't any on your website. "screenshots"?!? It is a command (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to
  Re: Datsville continuation - more ideas
(...) Doesn't POVray do this inately? After all, at some point POVray has to decide which information it will display, and which information it will not display. Wouldn't it speed up the rendering process even more if all LDraw models were turned (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad,, lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: POVray orthographic optimization
(...) No, the halo is everywhere - on all objects, the floor, etc. It's not horridly grotesque. It just looks a little like a water stain - like someone spilt water on a piece of paper. (...) Well, this won't really solve the problem, though it may (...) (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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