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 Building / Sculpture / 969
    Re: The World according to Harshbarger, Lambrecht, and Lowell —Bram Lambrecht
   (...) Would you mind sharing what software or code you used to map the image to the sphere? I'm wondering how the globe would look with (URL) one of these images> mapped to the Lego palette. --Bram (19 years ago, 22-Nov-05, to, FTX)
        Re: The World according to Harshbarger, Lambrecht, and Lowell —David Winkler
   (...) The mapping from these images to a sphere is a conversion to Ldraw coordinates, then a rotation based on which panel we are rendering, then a conversion from these to polar coordinates, then interpreting phi to be latitude, and theta to be (...) (19 years ago, 22-Nov-05, to, FTX)
        Re: The World according to Harshbarger, Lambrecht, and Lowell —Eric Harshbarger
    I'm impressed with the calculations you did there. Maybe someone will build physical model based on these instructions and then one day we can get my globe together with that one and see how close I was to reality [grin]. eric (...) ... (...) (19 years ago, 22-Nov-05, to
        Re: The World according to Harshbarger, Lambrecht, and Lowell —David Winkler
   I finally finished building a globe from my (URL) plans>. (URL) gallery>> I built three panels using the revised plans with 1 (URL) 2434 (Brick, Modified 2 x 4 x 2 with Studs on Sides)> piece in each side.. Then I tried putting the three panels (...) (19 years ago, 3-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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