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 Building / Mecha / 8717
8716  |  8718
Re: The Name of the Game
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:52:38 GMT
897 times
(BTW, on a side note, when is the bambino coming?  Be sure to take a bit of
lego to the delivery, makes a maniac from birth.)

Any day now.  We're on pins and needles, and Raven, she is Soooooooo ready.

I've heard labor can be long, or short.  But just in case Raven got me a
Lego set to play with if labor just so happens to be a 24 hour marathon.
Other than that, I've been stockpiling the baby Lego and duplo.  This kids
gonna be set!

I've been pretty bad about my posting consistancy here lately so,
I wanted to mention, I did see your stuff, and dude it's looking great.  It
took a  bit to adjust to the big legs and feet of wasp, but in a good way.
I was different and cool.  And it's good someone is doing the lowly
urbanmech some justice.  It's been fun seeing how far your skills have come.
Keep building my man!

Snow Daddy

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Name of the Game
(...) Wow, I gotta find me a wife like that eventually! :<D I remember Lego Duplo....I used to build some fun stuff, big zoos and the like. (...) Thanks! The Wasp is still under mod, I fixed the shoulders. They were just technic peg bricks into lego (...) (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Name of the Game
(...) I am so IN.... Mark Neumann....Daddy of the Big Stompas... (BTW, on a side note, when is the bambino coming? Be sure to take a bit of lego to the delivery, makes a maniac from birth.) Ry out (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to

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