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Re: What's a snow daddy to do?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 01:08:17 GMT
547 times
In, Geordan Hankinson writes:
That is sweet!

it has an awesome mech-monster feel to it, like a rabid dog with it's two
front legs cut off!

The rocket pack on the back is very nice. I love that head! it's so
freaky-dogish, and I like the skis around the neck.


one quibble, the arms looks sorta bland to me, like they were rushed maybe,
The cool hands draw attention away from this though.

Yeah, I hear you.  I think the arms are a tad thin in places, used some bits
to help beef it up.  But it makes for a T-rex sort of effect.  Big honking
legs and body, little head and wirey arms.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What's a snow daddy to do?
That is sweet! it has an awesome mech-monster feel to it, like a rabid dog with it's two front legs cut off! The rocket pack on the back is very nice. I love that head! it's so freaky-dogish, and I like the skis around the neck. one quibble, the (...) (22 years ago, 20-Feb-03, to, lugnet.starwars)

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