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Re: Jamocklaquat - Mission 5 Sneak Peak - Spine Segment 1
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 22:25:14 GMT
984 times
So with that as a guage, I think 4ft. evan will probably be the final

Wow, better be careful not to snap Technic axles wile bowing!

Just think, the entire upper body pivots using just one (non-gear'd high
rpm) 9v motor. A couple sets of z8 to z24 gear combos and a worm set up do
the work.

Worm gears add a lot of friction in a geartrain, still they prove valuable
at holding stuff in place.

I'm trying to figure out if a side to side rotation will be possible or if
it will be to big to include.

Okay, sit, good Eric :)

The final product will have six legs like the RG Mech. This way I can use
the same tech from the Arms to have the Robot walk on a tri-pod at all

I was wondering how you were going to make that thing walk. The LEGO motors
need a lot of gearing down to move such loads so I reccon it'll be
painfully slow, right?

Any chance of videos when it moves?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Jamocklaquat - Mission 5 Sneak Peak - Spine Segment 1
(...) Nawww dude, The main pivot bearing consists of two Technic Turntables. No axles take any direct weight. I'll snaps some pix and add them to the Jama BS Gallery Soon. (...) Yes, Slow but functional, put it like this, I start up the Jama in the (...) (22 years ago, 25-Oct-02, to

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  Re: Jamocklaquat - Mission 5 Sneak Peak - Spine Segment 1
Hey Mr. Muri! I'm sure it will be taller bigger and alot more functional then the Gomgile which stands at 37 inches. So with that as a guage, I think 4ft. evan will probably be the final height. Just think, the entire upper body pivots using just (...) (22 years ago, 25-Oct-02, to

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