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 Building / Mecha / 7026
7025  |  7027
Re: New Mecha and LDraw Files
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 05:09:27 GMT
548 times
About the New Mecha, nice color Scheme, oh man great feet! excellent pilot
control area!

dang, one thing I'm always drawn to your Mecha is the feet, every time you
set out to make something the feet are always very original, youda man.

Plus, after I made instructions of my own for a MOC, I felt a big
inspriation from you, because you always manage to crank out the discography
for your creations.

One other thing worth mentioning, I have to admit, when I made the LB's I
felt inspired by your success with Mecha of this size. Although when I made
the first LB it was just on a whim, but then as I detailed it and got the
size worked out, you were there bro!

Thanks for the inspriation!

Your site kicks butt too just as your method of explaining all the wicked
capabilities of your Mecha. Very Cool.



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Mecha and LDraw Files
(...) Thanks Eric, thanks man. (...) Heh, well I dunno about original, but whatever you say! ;-) (...) LOL! Discography... :-D (...) Yeah, only after you finished all of them, that I realized the "scope" of your project. All the 'bots were indeed (...) (23 years ago, 14-Aug-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  New Mecha and LDraw Files
First off, I built a new mecha. Basically, I just wanted to add as much weaponry on it as I could. The bazooka is my personal favourite. ;-) It also comes with a zero-g pack, radome, and smoke discharger system. Naturally, I was inspired heavily by (...) (23 years ago, 13-Aug-02, to,, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.cad.dat.models)

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