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 Building / Mecha / 6333
6332  |  6334
Re: LB's at Willie McBrides
Sat, 30 Mar 2002 06:38:08 GMT
463 times
In, Eric Sophie writes:
Last night was fun. Spoke with some people about doing another Art Show.
Who needs sleep when you can show your Mecha to the World. All three LB's
we're chill'n on the Bar in the Open Mic Room.
Hit next from here:

BTW, As I was driving down to Hoboken (NJ), I could see the lights that are
set up at the WTC Ground Zero Memorial. The lights are gigantic, they
stretch as far as the eye can see into space. It's really something. The
lights are as wide as a skyscraper.


Hey Eric,

I've seen pics before of your bots hanging out at the bar but what exactly
do they do there?  Do they get on the mic and..uh..sing?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LB's at Willie McBrides
Hey Jeff, I bring Mecha to Willie McBrides for a couple of reasons. Since I renovated my house and moved up North to Oakland, most if not all of my friends live far away from me. So, I bring what ever I'm working on down to the open mic so my buds (...) (23 years ago, 3-Apr-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  LB's at Willie McBrides
Last night was fun. Spoke with some people about doing another Art Show. Who needs sleep when you can show your Mecha to the World. All three LB's we're chill'n on the Bar in the Open Mic Room. (URL) next from here: (URL) As I was driving down to (...) (23 years ago, 29-Mar-02, to

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