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 Building / Mecha / 2182
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Re: New Model - "Bear" Hard Suit
Sat, 27 Jan 2001 04:30:30 GMT
462 times
Sounds cool! Can't wait to see it!

Mladen Pejic, over and out!

In, Joel Jacobsen writes:
In, Mladen Pejic writes:
Thanks Joel!

When are you going to finish your starship? Furthermore, how big is it?

Mladen Pejic, over and out!


I believe I'm about 65-70% done, give or take.

Technically, it could be a freighter - certainly a freighter class, but it's
not presently laid out as one.

At quick count, it's about 54 studs long, not counting the engines. With
them, it's around 70ish +/-.  I didn't count width, but it's as wide as two
Falcon/Saucer sections joined together, plus a stud or two. Not sure about
how tall, yet, as I'm working from the hull up. :) It's also subject to
revision, still but this is the present size.

It's only 1 deck, but it'll have everything needed to sustain the crew in
deep space. I haven't decided, yet, but I expect it to crew about 6-8.

That's about it for now; I don't want to give away the whole store before
it's even built. I hope to finish it up in the next week or so as I have
time and get pic's of it. :)

Joel Jacobsen

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Model - "Bear" Hard Suit
(...) I believe I'm about 65-70% done, give or take. Technically, it could be a freighter - certainly a freighter class, but it's not presently laid out as one. At quick count, it's about 54 studs long, not counting the engines. With them, it's (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jan-01, to

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