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 Building / Mecha / 2177
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Re: New Model - "Bear" Hard Suit
Fri, 26 Jan 2001 22:56:13 GMT
568 times
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
In, Mladen Pejic writes:
Thanks Jeremy! Where have you been?

Behind the fridge -- boy was it tight back there.  But I *finally* found
that Reese's cup I lost.

I'll bet that was slimy an' moldy.. but that's good.. All the other
conventional antibiotics have been discovered.

Now if only I could find my poor meatball I lost
when somebody sneezed...

The dog got it. They don't care if it's been sneezed on or not.

I have another microfig theme in the works, but it's coming along slowly.
Dangit if Lego didn't go and ruin my plans by releasing such cool joint
pieces!  ;-)

So we *won't* see your tribute to Salvador Dali done in Duplo?

I have exactly two teaser pics, and unfortunately, they're of my biggest and
best model (in this theme anyway) so far, so I'm not gonna show ya until I
come up with something better :-,

I enjoyed your "Tribute to Teletubbies" .. your use of Scala parts was

-Tom McD.
when replying, spamcake.. richness worth a *second* cup!

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Model - "Bear" Hard Suit
(...) <snip> My apologies to the group.. I'm not sure why that last message was transmitted twice, as I remember only doing it once. -Tom McD. when replying, "Time for your spamicillin, Mr. McDonald..." (24 years ago, 27-Jan-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Model - "Bear" Hard Suit
(...) Behind the fridge -- boy was it tight back there. But I *finally* found that Reese's cup I lost. Now if only I could find my poor meatball I lost when somebody sneezed... (...) I have another microfig theme in the works, but it's coming along (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jan-01, to

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