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 Building / Mecha / 1618
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Re: Gundam models @ TRU
Thu, 28 Sep 2000 19:07:08 GMT
654 times
Hi Dave.

The reason all of this has gotten cheaper and more available is the
promotion linked to Gundam Wing, which has been showing on Cartoon Network.
Bandai America is now licensed to release a whole bunch o' GW merchandise in
the States now.

You can find Gundam models from other series if you check anime stores and
comic shops in your area. I have a local store in Seattle called
International Model Toys that I visit on occasion.

You should also check out  They have lots of mecha models
of all flavors, and you can get them at reasonable prices.

Mark's Lego Creations

From: "Dave Schuler" <>
Organization: None
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:35:43 GMT
Subject: Gundam models @ TRU

Not quite on-topic, but I thought it was worth mentioning.  My local TRU has a
bunch of smallish Gundam model kits for sale @ about $8.00.  I know almost
nothing about mecha, so I can't give name/style details, but I was surprised
to see them at all.  When I worked at a hobby store a few years back, mecha
models were nearly impossible to get in stock.  We would place orders for 200
pieces, listed in the catalogue as available, and we'd get about 6 or 7
delivered to us!  I imagine TRU might have slightly better purchasing clout
than a two-location mom-&-pop hobby store...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gundam models @ TRU
(...) Figures! I had people griping at me almost daily when we couldn't stock them, and now that I'm out of that line of work Gundams (Gunda?) are coming out of the woodwork! Thanks for the info, though. Dave! (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to

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  Gundam models @ TRU
Not quite on-topic, but I thought it was worth mentioning. My local TRU has a bunch of smallish Gundam model kits for sale @ about $8.00. I know almost nothing about mecha, so I can't give name/style details, but I was surprised to see them at all. (...) (24 years ago, 28-Sep-00, to

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