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 Building / Mecha / 14033
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Iron Mecha Entry: ML-12 Bulldog II
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce.moc,
Tue, 31 Jan 2006 07:01:22 GMT
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15346 times

Lunar L.M. has unveiled their newest one-driver main battle mecha design: ML-12 Bulldog II.

ML-12 is an all new design base on the new HF-300 Helium3 reactor and advanced magnetic coating technology, giving it mobility of a recon mecha while retain the armour and firepower of a MBM. The basic ML-12 chassis has a highly advanced multi-band sensor. Internal weapons are stored in two armoured chambers. Standard configuration in each chamber includes: one back-up sensor, one J30 30mm mini cannon, two LX-2 laser cannons and two AT-8C missiles. 4 smoke grenades are installed at the top. One unique feature of ML-12 is the driver can get in and out of the cockpit without assistance. The cockpit is spacious, and the improved AI should reduce the driver’s work load v.s. other one-driver MBM.

ML-12 has 5 hard-points for mounting external weapons, which can be jettisoned if necessary. Lunar L.M. has provided 3 standard configurations:

ML-12AS Assult configuration

Armed with one SPG-1D Heavy Plasma Cannon and 16 Hellfire-IV AT/AA Missiles, ML-12AS may be the most powerful MBM of this generation. Hellfire-IV Missiles have a long list of combat proven records, and there is no known armour or forcefield that can defend against SPG-1 Heavy Plasma Cannon. If SPG-1D really solved the overheat problem of SPG-1A, B and C, ML-12AS will have unmatched firepower. This configuration also come with a retractable AQ-403 long range guidance unit for standoff deployment of Hellfire-IV.

ML-12AA Anti-Air configuration

AA duty are usually handled by lighter mechas, but Lunar L.M. believe there is market for heavy AA mecha that can survive a direct hit of an anti-radar missile. Armament includes M92 20mm four-barrel cannon, and four AAM-22 medium range multi-sensor missiles. A standard RR-10 search radar is mounted at the back.

ML-12L Long range artillery configuration

Despite the new advancement in energy weapons, artillery remain an important part of of the gound force. The LG9 160mm cannon can carry 24 shells, and can be reloaded quickly by engineering mecha.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Iron Mecha Entry: ML-12 Bulldog II
In, Ka-On Lee wrote: -snip- (...) -snip- (...) -snip- (...) -snip- (...) -snip- That is very impressive, Ka-On! I like all the variations, but the Assault configuration has got to be my favourite! I just love that plasma gun with (...) (19 years ago, 31-Jan-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Iron Mecha Entry: ML-12 Bulldog II
(...) Eek! ground force I mean. Damn that was some bad writings... OK let me do some LEGO talk. After seeing the contest picture I decided to build the unit as close to it as possible in a realistic near-future style. I built the curvey part of the (...) (19 years ago, 31-Jan-06, to

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