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 Building / Mecha / 13618
13617  |  13619
Re: MAD-CM-01 - First humanoid mecha
Wed, 21 Dec 2005 14:46:07 GMT
2185 times
On 21/12/05, Mladen Pejic <> wrote:
I just love bipedal mecha that can do poses! Well done on that account Danny!


The legs and the arms are pretty good, but that torso is just a bit too thin.
know you probably made it that way to balance the mecha when standing, but you
could add a bit more volume to it without severely unbalancing it. There are
lots of ways to do mecha torsos, so check out some anime mecha for

I think it comes from the fact that this mecha kinda of grew, and so
the size increased a few times. I did make the torso wider, although I
really didnt consider making it thicker.

The head also looks a bit too flat, and even anthropomorphic. Gundams have
features like that as well, but look more like samurai than unarmed people.
either making the head squatter or more like a helmet. A head with one "eye"
sensor is also narrower and smaller, and looks far better on small and medium
size mecha, like yours, than on larger ones. Something to think about.

You know - I couldnt quite get the head to look right. Looking at some
of the example stuff I have, I think you are right. I was trying,
although I still didnt really get it, to go for a more transformer
style face really.

Keep on building and posting, Danny!
Thanks - will do!

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MAD-CM-01 - First humanoid mecha
I just love bipedal mecha that can do poses! Well done on that account Danny! :-) The legs and the arms are pretty good, but that torso is just a bit too thin. I know you probably made it that way to balance the mecha when standing, but you could (...) (19 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to, FTX)

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