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 Building / Contests / 1233
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Re: The Contest is Now Closed to Further Entries (re:Ice Planet 2002 Contest)
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:10:43 GMT
1287 times
In, Thomas Garrison writes:
In, Richard Marchetti writes:

As per the rules:
"Voting is limited to only those who enter the contest. Failure to vote
disqualifies a participant's entries from winning (see below for how and
when to vote)."

The rules also state:
"Each competitor will vote for one MOC in each category regardless of the
number of entries he/she has. And no, you can't vote for yourself."

Um, so this means that Tom Sciortino and Jude Beaudin are automatically
disqualified?  Since they are the only entrants in Categories VII and VIII,
respectively, they cannot vote in those categories (since they cannot vote for
themselves).  Since voters must vote in each category, they cannot vote.  Ergo,
they are disqualified.  I'm not seeing an exception clause in the rules. . .

TWS Garrison

We can spoil ballots <g>


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Contest is Now Closed to Further Entries (re:Ice Planet 2002 Contest)
(...) VIII, (...) vote for (...) Ergo, (...) . . (...) Yes. We have great power... ;) -- Tom (23 years ago, 23-Jun-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Contest is Now Closed to Further Entries (re:Ice Planet 2002 Contest)
(...) disqualified? Since they are the only entrants in Categories VII and VIII, respectively, they cannot vote in those categories (since they cannot vote for themselves). Since voters must vote in each category, they cannot vote. Ergo, they are (...) (23 years ago, 23-Jun-02, to

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