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 Building / Architecture / 1947
1946  |  1948
Re: new moc: cantilevered house
Mon, 18 Dec 2006 04:34:10 GMT
12362 times
In, Nathan Todd wrote:
   Nice concept with some gorgeous interiors, my only complaint would be that after all the effort of building that lovely mountain you crested it with a mere house; not a castle, as such landscaping obviously deserves ; )

Thanks for sharing and God Bless,

Nathan (who knows building rock is harder than it looks)

Visit my brickshelf gallery: (pic=link)

thank you. i must admit the exterior landscaping did not live up to the potential that the house design might have had. i really had hoped for better, but definitely, a castle was never in the plans. ;)

-§ deborah §- (who will stick to soft furnishings)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new moc: cantilevered house
Nice concept with some gorgeous interiors, my only complaint would be that after all the effort of building that lovely mountain you crested it with a mere house; not a castle, as such landscaping obviously deserves ; ) Thanks for sharing and God (...) (18 years ago, 3-Dec-06, to, FTX)

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