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 Building / Ancient / 991
  Re: The Brick Testament - David Joins the Philistines
Trying to catch up, very slowly. David Collects a Third Wife - Great face on Nabal. I also like the pattern on his walls with the 1x2 brick with axel hole and 2x2 tiles rotated 45 degrees. I'm not a fan of the studs on the back of Abigail's legs (...) (17 years ago, 27-Dec-07, to, FTX)
  Re: The Brick Testament - David Joins the Philistines
(...) Hi, Bruce. Thanks for taking out some time from the holidays to comment. (...) <snip> (...) I forced myself into a corner on that one. It's the chance you take using a relatively rare color like dark blue for a minifig's outfit. I would (...) (17 years ago, 8-Jan-08, to, FTX)

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