Re: The Brick Testament - David Joins the Philistines
Thu, 27 Dec 2007 17:43:17 GMT
19573 times
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Trying to catch up, very slowly.
David Collects a Third Wife - Great face on Nabal. I also like the pattern on
his walls with the 1x2 brick with axel hole and 2x2 tiles rotated 45 degrees.
Im not a fan of the studs on the back of Abigails legs
here, perhaps if instead you used something like
this brick. In
this scene I like the bed design. Is that a Fabuland headboard? The 1x1 tall
round brick is nice along the bottom of the bed. Good blood trail in the God
struck him down scene. In the last scene, what is that torso on Paltiel? Its
really nice.
David Spares Saul Again - In the second pic, are those real tents? I had
assumed they were just black double slopes until I reallized that Sauls blue
and white tent was in the mix. Good use of the double sided face on Abishai.
Why does Saul sometimes wear a Slytherin badge and other times not? (Also, is
the non-badge torso a modified version of the badge version, or is there another
torso with a similar pattern?) In
this pic, is Davids arm and spear just leaning there? How many times did that
fall down in photographing the scene? :)
David Joins the Philistines - David looks good in a Philistine hat. The
repeated references to David and Sauls reconciliation are funny.
David Massacres Women and Men - Lots of effective mayhem scenes here. In 27:8,
the guy carrying a sheep over his head is funny. Great new camel design. In
the very last scene, I think Achish is trying to hyptonize me through the
Saul and the Necromancer - In 28:5-6 Im curious as to what pieces make up he
out-of-focus Philstine army. The necromancers home is cool with a jumble of
all sorts of objects. Im not thrilled with the necromancer herself made of all
those mismatched bits. The use of the Pooh hunny pot is inspired.
Philistines Reject David - Not a lot here to comment on. In the last pic,
Davids men do look fairly depressed. Good head choices.
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