| | Re: Temple of Zeus at Olympia
(...) Wow, that must have been something to stand on the site itself. It would be great to see your photos. I've seen a few photos on the web of the ruins, but the resolution was low (or the pictures were small). It would be interesting to also (...) (22 years ago, 10-Jul-03, to lugnet.build.ancient)
 | | Re: Temple of Zeus at Olympia
(...) Sorry for the delay. Life intrudes like that sometimes! (Trying to get a job takes priority.) Yes, it was amazing to be there. During our 2 week trip we were at 3 of the seven wonders of the ancient world sites (the other 2 were The Colossus (...) (22 years ago, 19-Jul-03, to lugnet.build.ancient)
 | | Re: Temple of Zeus at Olympia
(...) My pictures from my trip to Olympia Greece are now up on a link off of my main page: (URL) There are 46 thumbnailed images, with commentary and links to full size images (1024x768), covering the entire site at Olympia. I've also got about 600 (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jul-03, to lugnet.build.ancient)