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    New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Andrew Lipson
   I have added a small collection of mathematical lego sculptures to my web pages. Check out (URL) include mobius bands, a coupe of knots and some minimal surfaces. All (reasonably constructive) comments gratefully received... Andrew (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to !! 
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Adrian Drake
     Hey these are really neat. It also makes me wonder. Lugnet seems to go in waves where one person creates something and inspires a bunch of other people to build similar things. After Eric H.'s desk, Henry Lim's Stegosaurus, my Pooh, Marvin, and (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Eric Harshbarger
      (...) eric (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —John Gramley
     (...) Absolutely marvelous! And I couldn't agree more with regard to bulk 1x3's (2x3's). John Gramley (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Hao-yang Wang
     (...) Wow! Now we need a Klein bottle. Please? Cheers, Hao-yang Wang (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
         Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Andrew Lipson
     (...) I'm working on it. Watch this space :-) Andrew (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to  
         Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Andrew Lipson
     (...) I have added a Klein bottle to the collection (with a .DAT file for those who don't have enough to do). Andrew (24 years ago, 22-Oct-00, to  
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Kevin Bannister
     (...) i thought i was pretty smart when i figured out how to make triangles, circles and spheres (well, sort of anyway), until i discovered lugnet. :) are you going to share the DAT files or your code? (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
         Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Andrew Lipson
     (...) The DAT files aren't very much use unless you're determined, since they build everything out of 1x1x1 bricks, which don't hold together too well ;-) Another consequence is that the DAT files get pretty big. If there's reasonable interest I'll (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to
         Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Alex Farlie
     (...) Or you could pas it on to M Lachmaan for inclusion as part of MLCAD.. Alex (...) (24 years ago, 19-Oct-00, to
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Henry Lim
     Andrew Cool sculptures. Pleasing to the eye and mind. -Henry (...) (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to
         Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Dave Schuler
     (...) I disagree--pleasing to the eye, absolutely, but they're kind of disruptive to my poor, mathless mind! 8^) Dave! (24 years ago, 18-Oct-00, to
        Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures —Shiri Dori
   (...) -Shiri (24 years ago, 22-Oct-00, to

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