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Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 13:52:03 GMT
834 times
In, Andrew Lipson writes:
In, Kevin Bannister writes:
Andrew Lipson <> wrote:
I have added a small collection of mathematical lego sculptures
to my web pages. Check out

awesome work, andrew!  geometry and lego, two of my favourite things.
i thought i was pretty smart when i figured out how to make triangles,
circles and spheres (well, sort of anyway), until i discovered lugnet.
:)  are you going to share the DAT files or your code?

The DAT files aren't very much use unless you're determined, since
they build everything out of 1x1x1 bricks, which don't hold together
too well ;-) Another consequence is that the DAT files get pretty big.

If there's reasonable interest I'll try to clean up the C code to
make it presentable (it's really just hacked together) and provide
that (probably by individual request rather than putting it on my
web site unless a lot of people want it).

Or you could pas it on to M Lachmaan for inclusion as part of MLCAD..



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: New Mathematical Lego Sculptures
(...) The DAT files aren't very much use unless you're determined, since they build everything out of 1x1x1 bricks, which don't hold together too well ;-) Another consequence is that the DAT files get pretty big. If there's reasonable interest I'll (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

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